About Me

(in about 418 words)


I think creation is the most unknown aspect of humanity, and Discovery is the most excitement aspect. Artists try to create arts, and scientists are trying to discover. As a developer, I have a lot of things to discover and a lot of system to create. So this is the most excitement news about my career.

I am particularly interested in projects that touch automation, learning, financial, blockchain, and marketing. If you think I can be helpful to you or would like to meet me, please feel free to get in touch.


At Notbime, I am a web developer and the CTO of Notbime where I build tools to manage a MLM marketing system, CRM, and office automation system, and we create a lot of excitment features in crypto currencies and blockchain domain in realted to MLM marketing network.

Some history

  • My parents put a x486 dx2 computer in my bedroom in 1998 when I was 13. It had a book of MS-DOS commands in English and several games to play, Wolfenstein 3D, f1, and Bazooka. It had an IBM mechanical keyboard and I had one 720kb floppy disk. I paid all of my money for months to a tech store to copy a little game in that floppy disk.

  • I learned computer hardware and how to assemble them as trainee, then install MS-DOS and Windows 3.1.

  • I became familiar with basic programming language.

  • I learned English in NIEL and I could see new world in internet.

  • I went to Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, in 2005, and I graduated in B.S. Software, Computer Engineering.

  • Then, I built my first websites with Microsoft FrontPage and Microsoft Expression Web.

  • I was 20 when I registered a course about C#, SQL and SQL SERVER, Windows programming in Amirkabir University of Technology Department of Education. I came to programming world.

  • When I was 21, I began to play Tar (An Iranian traditional music instrument). I spent all of my time playing Tar and programming in C#.

  • Then I develop my first app in C#. It was windows application for small family fund and after that a lot of small project was done and journey have begun.

Ask me in person for other stories that I'm afraid to share with the internet.

I like

I dream of

  • happines of my family.
  • always finding inspiration.
  • enabling a brighter future.
  • doing better.

Websites from people I admire