This is my second brain!

I try to create Second Brain in some major topics of my life, in "Cornell Notes" format. (under construction)


tags :
secondBrain, Cornell,

questions :
What`s Second brain?
How it is working?


Main idea
In the modern world, We are under attack of the informations. We are reciving massive informations every day.
Building a Second Brain methodology will teach you how to:
1- Consistently move your projects and goals to completion by organizing and accessing your knowledge in a results-oriented way.
2- Transform your personal knowledge into income, taking advantage of a rapidly growing knowledge economy.
3- Uncover unexpected patterns and connections between ideas.
4- Reduce stress and “information overload” by expertly curating and managing your personal information stream.
5- Develop valuable expertise, specialized knowledge, and the skills to deploy it in a new job, career, or business.
6- Cultivate a collection of valuable knowledge and insights over time without having to follow rigid, time-consuming rules.
7- Unlock the full value of the wealth of learning resources all around you, such as online courses, webinars, books, articles, forums, and podcasts.


I hope it helps.